The scientific and research activities carried out under EUMIGRO in the years 2016–2019 covered among other things the following topics:
- contemporary (after the year 2000) migration trends and patterns in Europe/EU/EU member states,
- causes and determinants of migration movements to/in Europe/EU,
- consequences of migration movements for EU and its member states,
- response of the EU and its member states to migration challenges and problems,
- solutions to the migration challenges and problems at EU and member states’ levels,
- EU and national policies in the field of migration and asylum.
The scientific and research activities included e.g. preparation of various publications; editorial and review experience for academic journals and publishing houses; active participation in various scientific events as a speaker, moderator, discussant, guest lecturer, expert; the role of PhD co-supervisor; the membership in prestigious organizations and associations dealing with migration.
Publications (selected):
Book chapters:
- Molęda-Zdziech M., Pachocka M., Wach D., Local Integration Policy of Migrants. European Experiences and Challenges, in: Local Integration Policy of Migrants. European Experiences and Challenges, eds. J. Franzke, J. Ruano, Palgrave Macmillan 2020 (in production).
- Visvizi A., Pachocka M., Lytras M.D., Managing International Migration: Rethinking Transaction Costs, Red Tape, and Their Impact, “International Migration” 2019, vol. 57 (5), pp. 271-279, doi: 10.1111/imig.12648 (see mire:
- Górak-Sosnowska K.,Pachocka M., Islamophobia and the quest for European identity in Poland, in: The Routledge International Handbook of Islamophobia, eds. I. Zempi, I. Awan, Routledge, London, New York 2019, pp. 225-236 (see more:
- Pachocka M., Looking beyond the current migration and refugee crises in Europe: a common policy of the EU and the outlook for the future – in search of solutions, in: European Commission: Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Migrations: Jean Monnet Seminar 2016, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg 2017, pp. 73-84 (see more:
- Pachocka M., Francja [France], in: Uchodźcy w Europie – uwarunkowania, istota, następstwa [Refugees in Europe – determinants, essence, consequences], eds. K.A. Wojtaszczyk, J. Szymańska, Wydawnictwo Aspra JR, Warszawa 2016, pp. 424–459 (see more:
Journal articles:
- Pachocka M., Misiuna J., La Pologne en Europe au début du XXIème siècle: à la croisée des chemins, „Hérodote" 2017, vol. 164, pp. 145–162 (see more:
- Pachocka M., Kuczyńska-Zonik A., Minorities, Diasporas, Refugees in Contemporary Europe, „Yearbook of the Institute of East–Central Europe/ Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo–Wschodniej” 2017, vol. 15, no 3, pp. 7–10 (see more:
- Pachocka M., The twin migration and refugee crises in Europe: examining the OECD contribution to the debate, „Yearbook of the Institute of East–Central Europe/ Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo–Wschodniej” 2016, vol. 14(4), pp. 71–99 (see more:
Editorial positions:
- The Review of European Affairs (2017 – Present) – Founding Editor and Deputy of Editor in Chief
- Studii Europene/ European Studies (2015 – Present) – Co-president of the Scientific Committee
- Eurolimes (2015 – Present) – Member of the Editorial Board
- Studia Europejskie/ Studies in European Affairs (2018, vol. 22(4)) – Guest Editor
- Yearbook of Polish European Studies. (2016, vol. 19) – Thematic Editor
- Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe/ Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej (2017, vol. 15(3), “Minorities, diasporas, refugees in contemporary Europe”) – Guest Editor
- International Migration (2019, Special Section "Managing International Migration: Rethinking Transaction Costs, Red Tape, and Their Impact") – Guest Editor
- Sustainability (2019, Special Issue “Integrated Migration Management, ICTs' enhanced Responses and Policy Making: Towards Human Centric Migration Management Systems”) – Guest Editor
Referee for academic journals:
- International Migration, Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, Heliyon, The Review of European Affairs, Polish Political Science Yearbook, Studia Europejskie/ Studies in European Affairs, Yearbook of Polish European Studies, European Review, Law and Politics, Social Security. Theory and practice, Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, Sustainability, Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Referee for publishing houses:
- Emerald Publishing, Intersentia, Publishing House of SGH Warsaw School of Economics, IGI Global
International conference speeches and guest lectures (selected, since 2017)
- University of Bari Aldo Moro – Italy (June 2019)
- Fernando Pessoa University in Porto – Portugal (June 2019)
- Metropolis International Steering Committee Seminar 2019 in Ponta Delgada – Portugal (March 2019)
- University of Catania – Italy (October 2018)
- University of Catania – Italy (July 2018)
- Central European University in Budapest – Hungary (January 2018)
- University of the Azores in Ponta Delgada – Portugal (November 2017)
- Deree-The American College of Greece in Athens – Greece (October 2017)
- University of Nantes – France (June 2017)
- Middlesex University London – the UK (February 2017)
- Deree-The American College of Greece in Athens – Greece (February 2017)
PhD Candidate Supervision
- co-supervisor of PhD thesis “Member States contribution to refugee protection provision in the EU: A public goods perspective” by Diego Caballero Velez, University of Pisa
- co-supervisor of PhD thesis “Włoska polityka migracyjna w dobie kryzysu migracyjnego w latach 2014-2018” by Magdalena Rozenek, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Membership as an migration expert in associations/ organizations/ networks:
- a member and secretary-general of the Board of the Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA)
- a member of the Board of the Research Committee RC46 "Migration and Citizenship" of the International Political Science Association (IPSA)
- a member of the Steering Committee of the International Metropolis Project
- a member of the interdisciplinary research network in the field of International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe (IMISCOE)
- a member of the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM)
- a member of the Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES)
- a member of the Team Europe network of the European Commission Representation in Poland
- a member of the Jean Monnet Community (JMC)