Books, reports and other publications - migration, asylum, migration policy, EU & Europe - theory, practice, research (to download for free)
Książki, raporty i inne opracowania - na temat migracji, azylu, polityki migracyjnej, UE i Europy - teoria, praktyka, badania (do pobrania za darmo)
EMN (European Migration Network), Asylum and Migration Glossary 3.0, October 2014
IMISCOE Research Series - books
- European Immigrations: Trends, Structures and Policy Implications, ed. Marek Okólski, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2012.Integrating Immigrants in Europe: Research-Policy Dialogues, eds. Stijn Verbeek, Rinus Penninx, Han Entzinger, Peter Scholten, Springer 2015.
- Integration Processes and Policies in Europe. Contexts, Levels and Actors, eds. Rinus Penninx, Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas, Springer 2015.
- International Migration in Europe,. New Trends and New Methods of Analysis, eds. Patrick Simon, Jeannette Schoorl, Corrado Bonifazi, Marek Okólski, AUP 2008.
- Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Immigrant Populations: Methodological Challenges and Research Strategies, eds.Mónica Méndez, Joan Font, AUP 2013.
- Migration in A Globalised World: New Research Issues and Prospects, eds. Kamel Doraï, Cedric Audebert, AUP 2010.
- Migration Policymaking in Europe: The Dynamics of Actors and Contexts in Past and Present, eds. Maren Borkert, Rinus Penninx, Giovanna Zincone, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2011.
- Mobility in transition: migration patterns after EU enlargement, eds. Birgit Glorius, Izabela Grabowska-Lusinska, Aimee Kuvik, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2013.
IOM (International Organization for Migration), World Migration Reports, different years
Web chapter 12.1 The Migratory Process: A Comparison of Australia and Germany, in: The Age of Migration. International Population Movements in the Modern World, 5th edition (by Stephen Castles, Hein de Haas and Mark J. Miller, Palgrave 2013)