ECSA Moldova is a professional association uniting researchers and professors who specialise in EU studies. ECSA Moldova comprises research centres with distinct responsibilities in promoting EU studies:
- Centre for European Integration History;
- Centre for European Legal Studies;
- Centre for European Economic Studies;
- Centre for European Human Rights;
- Centre for European Intercultural Dialogue;
- Centre for European Information and Communication.
ECSA Moldova publishes twice a year the “European Studies” Journal, research studies and information newsletters.
ECSA Moldova has become a pole of EU knowledge in the country and in the region. Its members constitute a platform for promoting EU studies at national and transnational levels. ECSA Moldova represents a bridge between the academics and other stakeholders such as public policy-makers / professional groups / civil society. ECSA Moldova is a multiplier of EU knowledge, information, practices, values and culture in the Eastern Partnership. ECSA Moldova members have brought research results, facts, practices and experiences to a broad spectrum of end-users at national and transnational levels in communicating EU subjects.
ECSA Moldova members have experience and expertise in implementing EU projects with local stakeholders and external partners. ECSA Moldova promotes EU studies by means of open resources publicising facts about the European Union among a wider public, including its website. Having an interdisciplinary character, ECSA Moldova is open to multiple beneficiaries and is representative of EU studies global community.
- EU Law
- EU Governance
- EU Education Legislation and Policy
- EU Project Management in Education, Research and Innovation
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vasile Cucerescu is the president of ECSA Moldova. He is the editor-in-chief of “European Studies” Journal. Previously he was the director of the Centre for European Studies, conducting cooperation and research activities in EU studies. He has expertise in EU studies and EU-funded projects. He has years of progressive research and teaching experience in EU studies: EU Institutional Law, EU Education Legislation and Policy, and EU Project Management. He authored and co-authored 6 books, and published more than 90 articles. He has coordinated and participated in many EU-funded projects in national and multinational teams. He is a member of professional associations such as ECSA World, European Association of Higher Education, and Amnesty International. He is a member of the scientific committee for the following journals: Eurolimes and Journal of Identity and Migration Studies. He is involved in confidence building measures with the civil society.
- Carlos E. Pacheco Amaral, Gaga Gabrichidze, Ioan Horga, Anatoliy Kruglashov, Ewa Latoszek, Marta Pachocka, Vasile Cucerescu. (2016) EU Relations with Eastern Partnership: Strategy, Opportunities and Challenges.
- Vasile Cucerescu, Valentin Beniuc. (2016) Public Management of European Programmes.
- Vasile Cucerescu, Valentin Beniuc. (2015) Public Management and Governance in the European Union.
- Vasile Cucerescu, Enrique Banus, Iordan Gheorghe Barbulescu, Ioan Horga. (2014) EU Guide at School between Formal and Non-Formal Education.
- Vasile Cucerescu. (2013) European Institutional Law.
- Vasile Cucerescu, Mihail Grosu. (2005) University Policy in Quality Assurance.
- Vasile Cucerescu. (2016) “EU Cross-Border Cooperation in Eastern Europe”. In Evaluation of Cross-Border Cooperation in Europe. C. Toca (ed.), Oradea: Oradea University Press.
- Vasile Cucerescu. (2015) “Teleological Paradigm to Governance: European Integration.” In Anton Kochanowsky Municipal Readings. Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi City Hall Press, Ukraine.
- Vasile Cucerescu, Victoria Bercu. (2015) “Association Agreement between Moldova and the European Union: a New Generation of Agreements?”. In European Studies, nr. 5, Chisinau: ECSA Moldova, Moldova.
- Vasile Cucerescu. (2015) “Multilevel Governance Model for Enlarged Europe: Is Diversity Sustainable?” In Democratic Governance and Active Citizenship in the European Union. C. Matiuta (ed.), Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.
- Vasile Cucerescu. (2015) “Innovation and Knowledge Diplomacy – the New Dimension of External Relations.” In Facing the Challenges in European Union. Re-thinking of EU Education and Research for Smart and Inclusive Growth (EuInteg). E. Latoszek (ed.), Warsaw: PECSA / Warsaw School of Economics, Poland.
- Vasile Cucerescu. (2014) “Cohesion, Integration and Securitisation Challenges for EU Migration Law and Policy.” In Migration and European integration of minorities. I. Polgar (ed.), Oradea: Oradea University Press, Romania.
- Vasile Cucerescu. (2014) “EU-Moldova Relations: Challenges for a Strategic Partnership.” In L’Europe vue des sciences humaines et sociales. A. Landuyt (ed.), Siena: University of Siena Press, Italy.
- Vasile Cucerescu. (2014) “European Project Management in Education: Legal Regulation and Implementation”. In European Studies, nr. 3, Chisinau: ECSA Moldova, Moldova.
- Vasile Cucerescu. (2013) “The Content of European Primary Law Norms on Enhanced Cooperation”. In European Studies, nr. 1, Chisinau: ECSA Moldova, Moldova.
- European Project Management for Regional Public Administrators (beneficiaries: policy-makers, professional associations)
- Deepening Understanding, Information and Communication of the European Union in the Eastern Partnership (beneficiaries: academics, policy-makers, professional associations)
- Fostering Eastern Partnership Cooperation by EU Public Management and EU Project Management (beneficiaries: postgraduate students)
- Europeanization of University Curricula (beneficiaries: graduate students)
- Fostering Information and Communication Capacity in Promoting European Studies (beneficiaries: professional associations, academics, journalists)
- Learning EU in Close-Up (beneficiaries: policy-makers, academics, teachers, professional associations)
- Building Information and Communication Capacity in Promoting European Integration Studies (beneficiaries: professional associations, academics, journalists)
- Understanding European Integration (beneficiaries: postgraduate students)
- Transferring EU Assessment Practices to Moldova's Universities (beneficiaries: policy-makers, academics, professional associations)