University of Warsaw - Centre for Europe

About Centre for Europe

The Centre for Europe at the University of Warsaw was established in October 1991 and was the first institution of its kind in Poland. The Centre is an autonomous interfaculty institute specializing in European Studies. The Centre for Europe focuses its research and teaching activities on political, economic, legal as well as cultural and social aspects of European development within an interdisciplinary framework. The Centre’s main research areas include: the European Union’s position and role in international relations, its security and neighbourhood policies, the financial dimension of the integration and the extension of the Euro zone, the EU’s role in international trade, the legitimisation and democratisation of the EU, globalisation and governance in the EU and the development of civil society in times of globalisation, European cultural heritage and the anthropology of a New Europe. The Centre's primary objectives are to promote, initiate and support research and education in European Studies; to develop the European and international collaborative research network and to create a broad forum for the exchange of ideas.

The fact that the Centre has been awarded one of the highest marks in the classification of the State Committee for Scientific Research is evidence of its high level of development and high position in the research ranking. The Centre for Europe performs its tasks by:

  • undertaking educational and training activities,
  • conducting academic research and executing sponsored research projects,
  • organising conferences, seminars and academic meetings,
  • performing actions under the Publishing Programme,
  • cooperating and organising academic exchange with foreign partners,
  • maintaining the Library of the Centre for Europe and the European Documentation Centre.

Małgorzata Pacek, Ph.D

Assistant Professor at the Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw. Ph.D. in Political Science, graduate of the Institute for International Relations at the University of Kraków, specializing in international relations. Topic of her doctoral dissertation: “The origin and activity Landsmanshaft East Prussia”. Research interests: the Migration Policy of the EU, Integration Policy of the Member states, Refugee and Asylum Policy of the EU and free movement of persons within the EU. Content Editor for the Centre for Europe Publishing Programme. Małgorzata Pacek can be contacted at Visiting Professor at different European universities including the Universities of Marmara, Ankara University and Ludwig - Maximilians Universität München. Her research is focused on the migration policy of the European Union and its Member States and the integration of immigrants. Author of numerous publications on this subject. Theme editor of the scientific quarterly “Studia Europejskie” (“European Studies"). Between the years 1999-2004 was Consul at the Consulate General of Poland in Hamburg. Between 2012 - 2016 was Consul General of the Polish Embassy in The Hague. Panellist and moderator of panels under the "Monitor of Labour Migrations" organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the European Union of Polish Communities (Rome 2013,  Vienna 2014 and Brussels 2015). In the years 2013-2016 conducted research on the integration of Poles in the Netherlands.

Artur Adamczyk, Ph.D

Ph.D. in Political Science; graduated from the Institute of International Relations, University of Warsaw (International Studies); Associate Professor, Editor-in-chief of the scientific quarterly “Studia Europejskie” and secretary of the Publishing Programme at the Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw. Specialist in International Relations in the field of European Studies. Main fields of research interest: Institutional system of the European Union, Decision making process in the EU, Foreign and Security Policy of the EU (Mediterranean dimension). Visiting Professor at different European universities; participant of various research projects. Lecturer in the fields of: Institutions and functioning of the EU, Decision making process and lobbying in the EU, Foreign policies of selected European States. Author, co-author and editor of over 50 publications, including books: The European Union and Poland. Problems and Achievements (2015); Introduction to European Studies: A New Approach to Uniting Europe (2013); Poland and Turkey in Europe – Social, Economic and Political Experiences and Challenges (2013).