PhD Magdalena El Ghamari – Assistance Professor at the Collegium Civitas University – Head of Cultural Safty Department. Between 2013-2017: lecturer at the University of Bialystok (Institute of History and Science Policy, Department of International Security) and an analyst at the Institute for the Study of Terrorism in Rzeszow, Foundation Po.INT and online website Defence24.
Founder and president of the Foundation El-Karama. Member of the European Security Association Decision of the Association of Veterans in UN Peacekeeping Missions. International Project Manager: Balkan melting pot of safety problems of the present, the challenges of the future?
She completed doctoral studies in the Department of Joint Action National Defence Academy. Doctoral dissertation entitled "Interculturalism in crisis response operations", completed in the area of defense sciences, specializing in strategy and operations. She opened a second Ph.D. at the National Academy of Sciences.
University lecturer and trainer (School of Common Knowledge Society in Warsaw, University of Information Technology and Management, School of Entrepreneurship and Management in Warsaw, the Training Centre for Peace Support Operations in Kielce, UNESCO, Intervention Groups Prison Wardens, Border Guard) and participant of international programs (Helsinki Human Rights Foundation, Polish Red Cross, the European Academy of Diplomacy).
She is also author in the field of international security, intercultural and culture of the Arab - Muslim (last monograph: "Between culture and religion - military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, Publishing Kucharski, Torun 2015). Trainer participants of Polish military contingents in the field of environment operations. It operates a network of lectures titled "In the culture of Islam" for teachers and high schools throughout the country. It works within the framework of lectures and conferences with many universities in Poland (WSOWL, UJK, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan WSB) and foreign University in Kosovo (Pristina - as a visiting professor at the Summer University).
Currently conducting research related to migration and refugees in Europe (the case of the MENA region (with a focus on Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Research interests: MENA region, threats to international security, terrorism, fundamentalism, cross cultural awareness, the Balkans, interculturalism, NATO operations, military.
The main goal of Foundation is to support the comprehensive development of Polish society, in particular social, information, cultural, scientific and educational activities in order to increase awareness and convergence of nations and states in the MENA area.
The specific aims of the Foundation are: to undertake, conduct and support all initiatives and activities in the field of:
a) identifying the cultural identity of the MENA area;
b) scientific and educational activities, including education, culture, environmental protection, charity, health and social assistance;
c) activities supporting scientific development, including the development of education;
d) science, higher education, education, education;
e) activities supporting the development of technology, inventiveness and innovation and dissemination and implementation of new technical solutions in business practice;
f) culture, art, protection of cultural heritage and national heritage;
g) broadening knowledge of the nations and states residing in MENA areas;
h) tourism and sightseeing;
i) protecting and promoting the cultural and national heritage of the selected area;
j) support for talented people;
k) charity work;
l) forecasting the potential security risks of the MENA area;
m) promoting educational activities;
n) building civil society.